I believe people over 50 can leverage their passions, business skills, and life experiences to build a digital business that can allow them to thrive in their retirement years.

Over 50?

I believe people over 50 can leverage their passions, business skills, and life experiences to build a digital business that can allow them to thrive in their retirement years.


Many people in their 50's are approaching retirement age and do not have an adequate amount of money saved to retire and maintain your current lifestyle. You fear you will be forced to live in scarcity in your advanced years.

Rather than focus on how we arrived in this position in life, the fact is we are in this position and there isn't anything we can do EXCEPT take action today to assure a better tomorrow.

People in their 50's are the fastest growing age group of new digital entrepreneurs. Why?

  • Years of accumulated experience and expertise

  • We know lots of people - well connected

  • Financial Stability

  • Well adapted to technology

  • Understand Work-Life Balance

Ask Me How To Get Started...


(330) 396-4505

4029 Pearl Rd #1044

Medina, OH 44256


(330) 396-4505

4029 Pearl Rd #1044

Medina, OH 44256

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